PFLAG Queens Chapter
PFLAG is the organization for
Parents, Families, Allies, and
LGBTQ people united for Equality

PFLAG's Vision:

PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people respected, valued and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

PFLAG's Mission:

By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its vision through:

Groups Served: Gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered persons and their parents, families and friends. Anyone who wants to help end discrimination based on sexual orientation. We welcome "straight, but not narrow" members openly!.
Meetings location:

It is now Tuesday February 11 2025 at 10:36 am

While the queens chapter of PFLAG is in transition. And unable to have meetings.
We recommend that you contact the following chapters in the area.

Long Island New York, both Suffolk and Nassau Counties
Website: Facebook: PFLAG Long Island Instagram: pflagli.

Manhattan, New York City (New York county)
Website: 646-240-4288

You may also contact PFLAG national, which has a list of all the chapters in the United States.
202 467 8180

Queens chapter of PFLAG would like to thank all the person who came to our meeting over the last 30+ years.

Please Come And Visit With Us!


Links to our Resources:

click here to see information on our Annual Awards "Luncheon" Celebration to be held via zoom on7/30/2023
click here to see information on becoming a chapter member
click here for directions:
click here for list of meeting dates 2021-2021:
click here for list of other NYC metro area p-flag meeting times
click here to see some pictures of us at Queens pride
click here to see list of chapter officers
click here to see information on the Morty Manford Award
click here to see information on the Carmel Tavadia Memorial Award
click here to see information on the Brenda Howard Memorial Award
click here to see the press release on the Brenda Howard Memorial Award

Resources on the Internet

There are hundreds of World-Wide Web Resources for parents, families, friends and young people who need to know more about homosexuality. For young people, one of the best places to start is Out Proud! a service of the National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender youth. This web site includes a wealth of information, including brochures on a variety of topics, including "Coming Out To Your Parents" and even information For Parents of Gay Children

Out Proud! also sponsors the Queer America(tm) database of lesbigay resources. You can search for resources, support groups and help in your area, selected using your zip code or area code, and sorted by age group and gender. This search is completely confidential and anonymous. Find resources in your area with a simple SEARCH.

The Youth Assistance Organization is run by gay and lesbian teens for gay and lesbian teens. It is an online service, run by volunteers, created to help self-identifying gay, lesbian, bisexual and questioning youth. YAO exists to provide young people with a safe space online to be themselves.

The QRD also has PFLAG related links, including other chapters already on the world wide web, info on the general email support and discussion groups "pflag-talk" and "tgs-pflag," a list that was organized to provide and encourage trans-gender support.

Other links on the Internet

PFLAG National - Home Page
The New York City Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center
New York Area Bisexual Network
Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee (QLGPC)
Great Older Lesbian Discussion (GOLD)
AltSex:Alternative Sexuality
The Sappho Mailing List Home Page
Freedom To Marry

For More Information About PFLAG, E-mail, write

P.O. Box 751043
Forest Hills, NY 11375-0212

Click on the icon to the left if you need information on our chapter

You can also click on the icon to the left to Email the PFLAG National office

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We are list in the Rainbow Query directory


Last updated 12/07/2023 by LDN